World Glimpse ( March-April) edition

W O R L D   G L I M P S E
Marvel of Science and Technology
Science and Technology will change our world   ( March-April edition)

Marvels of ScienceAnd
Humans have been very developed today. If we just put a glimpse at our past, our lives were full of struggle, it was not easy to communicate a person, the medical facilities were not good and because of this life expectancy of man was almost forty to fifty years. But if we see today, our medical facilities, communication system and even education system has undergone a dramatic change.
Communication system is best today. If we just look out on a street or go to any public premises we see mobiles and tablets in hands of almost every person there, we often see P.C.O’s on streets and parks which are not generally used because in their place mobiles are gradually used. With the help of Science the communication system had become very developed in these past hundred years. If we look communication in past times, it was very difficult to send messages over hundred to two hundred kilometres, it was also very long time taken by the messenger to reach the place where he had to give message. But today with the help of mobiles and internet we can send any message anywhere in span of seconds.
The transport system and town planning had also flourished in our world. The cars, trains and airplanes are much faster than horse driven carriages which were used in past. Our towns and cities have just become from small habitual centre to big Socio-cultural and financial centre.
On the other hand Medical System and facilities had made our life span long. In past small diseases and ailments like diarrhoea, dysentery and poxes were proved fatal. But today with modern medicines they can be totally eradicated from our body in just few weeks or months. With Surgery we can today treat some kinds of cancer, heart problems, etc. Even today some diseases such as Cancer are fatal but Medical Science will give their solutions in next hundred years.
Beside these advantages there are several disadvantages of Science and Technology also. These developments which can make our lives easier can also eradicate humanity from the world.  Weapons like atomic bombs and different missiles can be used by humans only, to cause global conflict as a spark of fire can cause big fire in forest. The pollution is another global problem which modern technology had given us and can affect our health and environment both.
There is much more about Science and Technology to say, but if  we will use it in sustainable and reasonable way it will going to benefit us more.
Muhammad Abul Fazal
Editor in chief

Leftism for India and World

Michael Akbar Hashmi

The LEFT as an ideology is believed to have developed during the French Revolution. apart from rightist and centrist, leftist as a political ideology was born during those turbulent times. this terminology was used based on seating arrangement around the king.

In times to come this ideology was going to affect the geopolitics of the world. Leftist are considered to be radical and aggressive in their approach and always willing to accept change or advocate of change and becoming aggressive in their demands

This leftist ideology was later on modified in another form of political ideology namely Marxism. Leninism, and even Maoism, though all differing from each other significantly.

Origin of Indian leftist block could be traced to the middle phase of the freedom movement when some of the younger nationalist advocated for radical behavior towards the British imperialism

The 1st left party, communist party of India was founded in 1920(or 1925) and by this time the ideology of leftist had already impacted the Indian political system.
Aseparate faction within the Indian national congress was founded known as congress socialist party, backed by Baswon  singh, J P Narayan and even Pandit Nehru.

In post independence era, 1st leftist state government was formed in
 1957, under EMS Namboodiripad in Kerala.

Leftist can be called as a pressure group working within and outside parliament, in UPA 1st regime they withdraw their support from the coalition government when voting was done on most important issues of nuclear deal with U.S.A., and this shows their radical nature
Overall, in today’s time leftist are not as influential as other political ideologies, still the hold the nerve of Indian politics by acting as a pressure group within domestic politics and a balancing element of India's foreign policy

Poem zone     World Glimpse                                            

   Almaas Nasreen
  Good smelling flower
                                                Good looking flower
                                       You are looking nice flower
                                       Everyday you want water   
                               Everyday you stand in the garden
                                                  Never you sit
                                     When anybody touches you
                                             I do not like them
                                    When anybody takes you out
                                            I teach them a lesson
                                         Whenever I am sad
                                                I look at you
                                       And my heart become happy


By Communist Organisation
Muhammad Abul Fazal (writer of the article)

What is Communism ?
Communism is a set of left wing ideology which believes that workers should control the mean of production and the country’s main industries are under government. Communism is affected by many ideologies such as Marxism, Leninism and Maoism but the common point in all of these ideologies is equal power status to all class of humans.
Advantages of Communism
There are certain advantages of Communism; two of them are as follows-
a)      The communism gives equality to every one thus no one in communist countries or state is more powerful or superior. Communism is opposition to Fascism.
b)      The communism is like a gift of god to very poor or under developed countries but some people rejects this opinion.

Criticism of Communism
There are people who severely criticise the left and Communist ideology, two very common criticism of communism are-
a)      There are people who thinks Communism as the thing that just hampers the economic and financial development of Countries.
b)      In Right wing parties that are conservative and have capitalist ideology stands in opposition of Left parties. Rightism gives a common man right to own his business which helps in faster economic  development to a country

People of business class usually prefer Rightist parties. But the middle and lower class usually prefer communism.

                                                Heritage of My City ( Varanasi)

This article was printed last in Journal Magazine(now World Glimpse)  June  2013 edition .

Dr. Muhammad Abu Shaz (B.H.U)
                Benia Bagh or Victoria Park officially is a very big play ground in the heart of the city Varanasi. According to history this ground was donated by rich trader making the local government as its trustee. At that time queen Victoria was empress of India and hence this play ground was christened as Victoria Park.
As a trust the donor wanted certain conditions for this park or ground and the first and foremost was that it should always strictly remain a play ground. No other use of this park was permitted. But over the period of time government which was trustee of this park, started acting with antitrust. The            
encroachment on the property of this park was at the time independence when the outskirts adjoining was given to refugees for setting up shops purely on temporary basis. But even after 66 years of independence they have not been vacated. Then in order to connect a maternity hospital from Nai sarak  bypass road was created right in the middle of the park and which bifurcated in two parts and the park -  became more prone to the encroachments. The  trash dump was created in this property along which many workers, working in this dumping yard encroached and made their home.
About 30-35 years ago again government enchroached of Benia Bagh in order to huge water tank reservoir which was made with the help of World Bank. As this tank came up the adjoining area of the park was used for making flats for the workers involved in this project which still exist there.
After this another major encroachment by the government is by making a power substation. As government was yet satisfied with brazen destruction precious open space in the heart of the city and again tried encroach it by making a vegetable and fish market. But stiff opposition by the residents that plan was abandoned.
Public also treated this park very badly especially resident living near this park started using it as dumping ground. This very unfortunate that we cannot take care this precious public property which can not only be so beneficial for the people living near but also the residents of whole Banaras.

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