World Glimpse Magazine magazine Oct edition

World Glimpse
Former soviet union

 India and the World information from World Glimpse
In 19th century, efforts to modernize Russia by freeing serfs, building factories and introducing democracy came nothing. Tsar Alexander II made reforms but in 1881 he was assassinated. Tsar Alexander III undid most of his fathers work, and in desperation some Russians turned to revolution and in 1917 last Tsar Nicholas II was assassinated with his whole family and Russia became a communist state under Lenin and was known as Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or USSR and served as one of superpowers with USA. Finally in 1991 it collapsed and USSR became Russian Federation.

.                                                            World Glimpse
Urdu Language.
Urdu was a name given to a language which is official lingua franca of Pakistan but we don’t understand the importance of this language.
Urdu is the language which was not invented  for the use as lingua franca of any region but as a Language which can be understand by the Indian people as well as the Middle Eastern people which have came to India for trade. Though India has fabulous glamour of Wealth and beauties of nature as well as the Weather the people from Middle East were very much attracted to this land. Urdu helped Indian people and the People from The Holy Islamic Land Middle East to communicate easily. It improved the Trade between both. But the will of having land of India is still in the heart of the most developed people of the world of that time. Saudi Arabia was the first country to attack India but they were only able to conquer land till Sind but they were soon replaced with another power of Middle East. Turkish people under leadership of Muhammad Ghori conquered the land till Delhi but he have to soon go he leave one of his slave Qutubuddin Aibak in Delhi to rule over it. Soon it became a dynasty and started to Rule.
 Then many other Muslim dynasties came they put there own language as court language but one remain same ‘Urdu’. Till now after so many years it is still spoken and understood in Pakistan and region of India.
Urdu is written in alphabets of Persian but have some more new letters. Urdu is still very important to understand our past and will be very important forever but the thing is to understand its importance
An Urdu script.

Food sectionn
Homemade Chocolate.

Ingredients needed
v  Cocoa powder ¼ cup
v  200mg milk
v  1 cup sugar
v  ½ cup- water
v  ¼ cup butter
v  ½ cup vanilla essence
v  Nuts and raisins
Ø  Take water and sugar in saucepan and allow it to boil till it mixes together.
Ø  Take one bowl and add cocoa powder and milk powder together till it thoroughly mix together.
Ø  Heat some butter in microwave till it melt
Ø  Add butter and sugar solution in the bowl in which cocoa mixture is kept and mix it all together till it looks like chocolate.
Ø  Allow the mixture to cool by keeping it in fridge and leave it for 45 minutes.
Ø  After 45 min make balls of chocolate and decorate it.

Muhammad Abul Fazal.

How was electron discovered.
In year 1886 JJ Thomson a famous scientist led an experiment which totally changed people views about an atom. Formerly it was thought that an atom is indivisible or we can say that it cannot be divided into any simpler particles.
JJ Thomson took a discharge tube which has a a small tube above it to remove gases from it. He then took a high voltage battery and connected tube’s one end with cathode and another with anode and passed current through it, but nothing happened but on further reducing pressure and increasing voltage he saw a greenish ray coming out from cathode. He placed two plates of negatively charged and positively charged respectively. These rays were attracted by positively charged plate that means that those rays are negatively charged. He named it cathode rays and said that these rays are caused by some negatively charged particles which we know as electrons.
He also proposed a model of an atom in which electrons are embedded over a uniform sphere of positive charge and it was called plum pudding model but it was later proved wrong by his student Ernest Rutherford which gave concept of revolving electrons.

For getting more information about atom log onto journal magazine website-


 After taking Constantinople the Ottoman Turk renamed it to Istanbul. It became very powerful Muslim empire. It also controlled some parts of Europe. It reaches its peak in reign of Suleiman I (1520-1566). Turks invaded Persia and captured Baghdad and islands of Rhodes. They are on the way to capture Vienna but stopped to do so. Turkish pirate such as Khyr-Din Pasha captured many merchant ships and carried out Christian salves. However, Turkish power was checked in Battle of Lepanto when a small European fleet defeated larger Turkish fleet. European loses 8000 men and Turk loses 20000 men.

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