World Glimpse april- may edition

World’s Richest man 2014 Bill Gates
World 10 Richest people list 

World’s Richest man Mr. Bill Gates has received this some days earlier only before him Carlos Slim was richest now he had came on second position. Bill Gates has been world richest man many times but some before his post was gained by another man Warren Buffet.
Bill Gates source of Wealth is Microsoft Company. He is founder of Microsoft which had brought a revolution in Information Technology.

Top 10 Richest People of World (2014) are-

Net Worth(USD)
Source of wealth
Bill Gates
76.0 Billion
United States
Carlos Slim
72.0 Billion
Amacio Ortega
64.0 Billion
Inditex Group
Warren Buffet
58.2 Billion
United States
 Berkshire Hathaway
Larry Elison
48.0 Billion
United States
Orcale Co.
Charles Koch
40.0 Billion
United States
Koch Industries
David Koch
40.0 Billion
United States
Koch Industries
Sheldon Adelson
38.0 Billion
United States
Las Vegas Sands
Christy Walton
36.7 Billion
United States

Jim Walton
34.7 Billion
United States

On the first day of Martins semester of eighth standard he was very happy to get the teacher whom he wanted for four years to be his class teacher. Her name was Mrs. Shalini. She was teaching him geography from four years though she was strict she was very glad to teach the class. She foremost put attention on those children who were weak in a particular topic. Martin was very glad of her because she was the one who made him a good student in geography. He answers in class and she appreciates him this gives him more confidence.
It was a very pleasant morning when I got up for going school. I was thinking all night about how I will be in my class and how she will treat me or where I am supposed to sit where I can be the first student to come in her vision. I dressed up in my school uniform put my belt, combed my hair and taken a light breakfast. Then my father asked “How are you feeling to get the class teacher whom you wanted to be yours.” I was little nervous at that time I replied “Good! I am very excited!” Then he saw the clock and said “Its time to go.” Then he put his cap, taken his motorbike and dropped me and my sister to school. When we entered the gate my sister went to her new class and I went to my new class. Some students were upset because of new class teacher Mrs. Shalini as she was little strict but for me she was excellent I put my bag to first row and went for assembly. In the assembly time the principal of the school asked every one that how are they feeling to go to a higher standard but for few students of my previous class it was not a good time though they were failed because of their performance in their examination. But for most of my class student it was a very exciting time because they are now the senior one in the school. After assembly we went to our new class and I sat on the place where I have kept my bag, in my left two of my friends were sitting.

When Mrs. Shalini entered the class we wished her good morning as it was the part of our daily schedule, when she said us to sit she saw me and smiled. Then she ordered us to take out our English literature book and she started reading the first chapter ‘The Street which got mislaid’
While she explained us lessons she also explains about the author. When we became noisy in class she punishes us but not strictly as she loves us all. When she teaches us lessons she made question by herself from in between the chapter and I was the first to answer her. But the thing which was a fact I never accepted that she has to go from school one day. She keeps on telling us that her husband was soon getting transfer from this city.
One day before our summer vacation is going to start we were very happy and busy in planning that what we are going to do this summer. In the last period when our school was about to over she smiled and said happy vacations and then told us that she would not be there after vacations, but I didn’t hear that as I was dreaming about holidays.
We enjoyed our summer very much, but the saddest day of my life was about to come. On the day our school reopened my friend told me our new class teacher would be Tr.Akira. I didn’t understand I asked my friend that our teacher is Tr. Shalini but he said that she had gone and said that she had told that day about it. I was totally shocked and thought that why I was not able to give her farewell.

   Almaas Nasreen
That’s Life
Life is a type of game.
If you will win this game,
You will be in heaven.
But if you will lose the game’
You will be in hell.
Nobody know’s who will go where.
But if you want to go in heaven
Do good things like- Helping mother in kitchen,
Helping father in washing the car and showing honesty.

Recipe   Paneer Pakoda
Shabana Mujeeb
a)      5 table spoon gram flour
b)      2 tbsp maida
c)      Salt to taste
d)      Paneer 200 g
e)      Chat masala
f)       1 tbsp Chilli powder

a)      Take chilli powder, salt and chat masala to marinate paneer.Marinate for 20 mins
b)      Make a batter of gram flour and salt.
c)      After marinating dip pieces of paneer in batter.
d)      Heat some oil in a cooking utensil, atleast 200 degree celcius
e)      Deep fry paneer pieces in it.
f)       When paneer’s color is golden brown take it out of oil and put it on a kitchen roll so that extra oil may soaked by it.
g)      Paneer Pakoda is ready to serve now.

By Communist Association Muhammad Abul Fazal (writer of the article)

How Communism spread in Russia.
By the end of nineteenth century reforms were made by Russian monarchs but no fruitful result came and in revenge Russians revolted. Tsar Alexander II made many reforms but in 1881 he was assassinated by revolutionaries. The first serious rebellion broke out in 1905 after some troops fired on striking workers in the capital of Russia, St.Petersburg. The rebellion was crushed and famous leaders like Vladimir Lenin were sent to exile. The new Tsar, Czar Nicholas II, promised his people some more civil rights but it was also broken. When World War I started food supplies were closed and the huge Russian Empire’s condition worsen and once again people turned to revolt and this time consequently the royal troops also joined revolutionaries side and the leaders like Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov better known as Lenin came back to power. Tsar Nicholas abdicated from kingship and his advisors also resigned.
A temporary government was formed by Alexander Kerensky, but on another side revolt continued. The Revolutionaries were called Bolsheviks under Lenin. In November Bolsheviks planned to attack Tsar’s winter residence at St. Petersburg. Consequently the Czar was assassinated and the whole Royal family was executed (this is also known as October Revolution). The revolutionaries had Left ideology. The Bolsheviks who then came into power moved capital of Russia from St. Petersburg to Moscow and made peace with Germany in World War I. They broke large royal estates and gave lands to the peasants. Worker took control of factories and state took control of Banks. In year 1918 a Civil War broke in Russia between Bolsheviks who were in power and anti-communist Russians. This ended with victory of Bolsheviks in 1921 and Russia was renamed as Union of Soviet Socialist Republics under leadership of Vladimir Lenin but Lenin soon died (in 1924), and was succeeded by new leader 

Joseph Stalin, he was very cruel to his people and killed millions of people and sends many to prison, where they died.